
Patrick GOERGEN, Luxembourg citizen, is a serial entrepreneur. He earns a Master in European law (Strasbourg University Robert Schuman, France, 2000).

He started working as a civil servant in Luxembourg public administration (1982-1995) before being admitted as Avocat à la Cour to the Luxembourg Bar Association, where he owned and managed Etude Patrick Goergen, a mid-sized law firm specialized in European law and cross-border issues (1995-2014).

In 2014, he founded Cross Borders, a Luxembourg based management consulting firm specialized in cross-border projects, and still manages this firm today (www.crossborders.lu).

In 2019, he founded RespectUs, to apply for Fit4Start, 9th edition, in Space vertical, the startup acceleration program managed by the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy and Luxinnovation. RespectUs was selected to integrate in program in October 2019 and successfully graduated in February 2020.

RespectUs has been granted a funding (2021-2024) via the Luxembourg national space program to build a one-stop-shop digital platform for export control compliance (www.respectus.space).

Patrick has an extensive experience in export control compliance projects. From 2013 to 2020, he was an advisor for the Luxembourg Ministry of Economy to assist the licensing office (now called OCEIT) in the drafting and implementation of a new export control law to replace the old-fashioned law of 1963 (resulting in the law of 27 June 2018 and Grand Duke regulation of 14 December 2018 on export control). Via Cross Borders (and RespectUs since 2020), he has since 2014 successfully advised Luxembourg based companies, including multinationals and space companies, in the drafting and implementation of Internal Compliance Programs (ICPs) which allow those companies to apply for global licenses. He is active in license applications and management for those companies, acts as an external export control compliance officer for several companies and is implementing trainings and audits in this field.

He has created and is managing the LinkedIn group “Export Control Compliance Officers in the EU”, with an ever-growing number of members, now reaching more than 800 members (open on invitation only). He is regularly posting articles, news and legal updates in this group.

