RespectUs Academy - Seminars on export control compliance

26/04/2023 – 08/02/2024

Luxembourg & remote

26.04.2023 Introduction to Export Control

27.06.2023 Introduction to Export Control

20.09.2023 Export Control & Grand Duke Regulation 7 Aug 2023: How companies could (should) now manage san ctions

18.10.2023 Introduction to Export Control (in german)

19.10.2023 Product classification: All about CN, HS (military list) aand DU (dual-use) codes

22.11.2023 Due diligence in customer screening: Improve your Export Control Compliance

29.11.2023 Sanctions and Embargoes - How to manage them efficiently

12.12.2023 End-use checks: How to document what you know about the end-use and end-user

08.02.2024 Find a solution: How to fill in Export Control Information

Consultation d'un médecin, ou hospitalisation, à l'étranger - Que faire pour obtenir la prise En charge par la CNS ?



3e événement de l'Université des Patients, Luxembourg

Gestion des impayés (Debt Collection Management)

27/01/2014 – 04/02/2014


Seminar - together with KPMG Luxembourg -, organized by Banque et Caisse d'Epargne de l'Etat, Luxembourg. 28 January 2014 (in Luxembourgisch), 5 February 2014 (in French.

Le droit européen face aux mouvements transfrontaliers (Cross-border movements under European law).


Arlon, Belgium

Seminar – Société Royale Chambre Belge des Experts-Comptables et Comptables, section Namur-Luxembourg. In French.

Nouveautés en droit luxembourgeois des sociétés (News in Luxembourg company law)


Arlon, Belgium

Seminar – Société Royale Chambre Belge des Experts-Comptables et Comptables, section Namur-Luxembourg. In French

Le recouvrement de créances à l'étranger (Debt collection abroad)



Seminar in the frame of the "Midis de l'artisanat sans frontières", organized by Chambre des Métiers

Les procédures de recouvrement de créances au niveau européen (The debt collection proceedings on a European level)



Seminar in the frame of the conference starting the 2012 European week of SMEs in Luxembourg, organized by Enterprise Europe Network, Chambre de Commerce, Chambre des Métiers and Luxinnovation, Luxembourg, in French

La transposition des directives communautaires en droit national (The transposition of EU directives into national law)

05/10/2009 – 20/10/2013


Seminar – Institut national d’administration publique, Luxembourg, 21 October 2013 (advanced), 27 February 2013, 20 November 2012 (advanced), 27 February 2012, 5 October 2011, 6 October 2010, 6 October 2009 – in Luxembourgish

Institutions internationales (International institutions)

11/06/2008 – 12/11/2013


Seminar on international institutions, including UN, WTO, EU – Institut national d’administration publique, Luxembourg, 12-13 November 2013, 18 september 2012, 10 June 2011, 10 June 2010, 10 June 2009, 12 June 2008 – in Luxembourgish

L'Union européenne (The European Union)


Remich, Luxembourg

Conference during the general training of staff delegates, organized by "Ecole Supérieure du Travail"

Hauskauf oder -miete: Worauf man aufpassen muss! (Buying or renting a house: how to pay attention!)


Hesperange, Luxembourg

Conference at the 10th Communication Forum, organized by Daaflux a.s.b.l. (a Luxembourg based association of deaf people)

Administration publique comparée (Comparative Public Administration)


Strasbourg, France

Conference at Ecole Nationale d'Administration (ENA) within the framework of International Public Administration courses – in French

State aids in EU law


Cracovie, Poland

in English

EU directives in EU law - How to enforce rights

22/10/2006 – 23/10/2006

Cracovie, Poland

Conference at Euro Info Centre – in English

Présentation des outils "Europe Direct" et "Citizens Signpost Service" pour une Europe plus proche des citoyens (Presentation of « Europe Direct » and « Citizens Signpost Service » for a Europe nearer at the citizens)



Conference at Luxembourg Chamber of Commerce, organized by Luxembourg Euro Info Centre – in French

Europarecht und Gleichbehandlung von Frauen und Männern (EU law and equal treatment of women and men)

04/07/2006 – 16/10/2006


Conference during the seminar on European labor law, Akademie für Arbeits- und Sozialrecht Ruhr Westfalen GmbH, 5 July 2006 & 17 October 2006– in German

Institutions internationales (International institutions)



Seminar on international institutions, including UN, WTO, EU – Institut national d’administration publique, in Luxembourgish

The European Constitution (in the framework of the Luxembourg referendum)

23/02/2005 – 26/06/2005


Seminars and conferences held with CSV/CSJ (Luxembourg, 24-26 February 2005), CSV Ettelbruck (Ettelbruck, 12 April 2005), Mouvement européen (Luxembourg, 20 April 2005), Conférence générale de la jeunesse luxembourgeoise (Luxembourg, 13 May 2005), Kathoulesch Männeractioun (Luxembourg, 24 May 2005), Commune of Schuttrange (Munsbach, 25 May 2005), Banque de Luxembourg (Luxembourg, 25 May 2005), Banque Générale du Luxembourg (Luxembourg, 27 May 2005), Miami University (Differdange, 7 June 2005), Fifty-One Eisleck (Lipperscheid, 9 June 2005), Club Senior (Strassen, 14 June 2005), Syprolux (Luxembourg, 17 June 2005), Chambre de Commerce (Luxembourg, 27 June 2005)

Droit contractuel à l’étranger, Cas du Grand-Duché de Luxembourg (Contractual law abroad – The Luxembourg case)



Forum « Marchés transfrontaliers », Chambre des Métiers, Luxembourg, in French

D'ASBL-Gesetz fir Vereiner !


Redange, Luxembourg

Seminar on the associations without lucre - Kantonalverband Redange, in Luxembourgish

La citoyenneté européenne et la libre circulation des personnes (The European citizenship and the free movement of persons)

04/12/2002 – 05/12/2002

Seminar "Currents Trends in the Case Law of the Court of Justice and the Court of First Instance of the European Communities and the EFTA Court", European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA), Luxembourg Antenna, Luxembourg, in French 

L'Union européenne" (The European Union)

12/05/2002 – 15/12/2002

Remich, Luxembourg

Conferences during the general training of staff delegates, organized by "Ecole Supérieure du Travail", Remich, 13 May 2002, 17 June 2002, 24 June 2002, 15 July 2002, 9 September 2002, 23 September 2002, 14 October 2002, 21October 2002, 25 November 2002, 16 December 2002 - in French 

"La Charte européenne des droits fondamentaux - Quelle valeur ajoutée pour la protection des citoyens européens ?" (The European Charta of Fundamental Rights - A more effective protection of the European citizens ?)


Niederanven, Luxembourg

Conference on the invitation of the Commune of Niederanven, in French 

Electronic Commerce in the European Union - Short View on the Legal Framework

15/11/2000 – 16/11/2000

Brussels, Belgium & Luxembourg

Seminar during the NOBELUX (Belgian-Luxembourg-Nordic Countries Chamber of Commerce) Conference "New Challenges for @ New Economy), Brussels, 16 November 2000 - Luxembourg, 17 November 2000 - in English

Grosse und kleine Staaten in der Europäischen Union: Kollision oder Koalition? (Big and small countries in the European Union: collision or coalition ?)



Round table, organized by the European Commission, Representation in Luxembourg (Info Point Europe)

La politique communautaire de la concurrence. La globalisation des règles de concurrence (The EU competition rules- The globalization of competition rules)



Seminar during the cycle "La mondialisation, l'entreprise et l'individu au Luxembourg", organized by Economist Club Luxembourg and Institute for European and International Studies, in French

L'Union européenne (The European Union)

07/06/1999 – 22/11/1999

Remich, Luxembourg

Conferences during the general training of staff delegates, organized by "Ecole Supérieure du Travail", Remich, 23 November 1999; 16 November 1999; 26 October 1999; 19 October 1999; 12 October 1999; 20 September 1999; 6 July 1999; 8 June 1999

"Les droits exclusifs attribués au Luxembourg en tant qu'Etat reconnu - L'histoire de la SES" (The exclusive rights allocated to Luxembourg as a sovereign state - The SES story) "Le cas BCCI …. ou le plus grand scandale financier du monde" (The BCCI

24/01/1999 – 16/05/1999


Presentations during the post-university seminar on international relations, organized by the Institue for European and International Studies, 17 May 1999; 29 March 1999; 25 January 1999 - in French

L'Union économique et monétaire et l'euro (The Economic and Monetary Union. and the Single Currency)

09/10/1998 – 16/10/1998

Luxembourg- Mersch- Colpach- Rédange/Attert- Diekirch- Clervaux- Wiltz- Mondorf, Luxembourg

Conferences during the campaign "Let's Build Europe Together" and the information action EUROBUS II, launched by the European Commission, Representation in Luxembourg

Les règles relatives à la libre circulation des travailleurs - Les règles relatives à la liberté d'établissement et à la libre prestation des services. La reconnaissance des diplômes.



Conferences during the seminar on the European citizenship and the free movement of persons, organized by "Institut de Formation Administrative (IFA)" and the European Institute of Public Administration (EIPA)