Our Books & Papers


Other Contributions

Export Control Compliance: The Imperative for Banks and Financial Services Providers

2024 AGEFI Luxembourg - Le journal financier du Luxembourg

Amidst a complex landscape, banks play a pivotal role in ensuring adherence to export control regulations. Their obligations extend beyond mere financial transactions; they are entrusted with the responsibility to scrutinize and mitigate the risks associated with international trade.

Published in April / May 2024 edition of AGEFI


Consultation d'un médecin et hospitalisation à l'étranger - Que va rembourser la caisse de maladie et comment? (Seeing a doctor and being hospitalized  in another country -what costs and how shall be reimbursed by the Luxembourg health care system?)

2019 Edited by: Chambre des salariés Luxembourg & Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs Nouvelle asbl


Les assurances voyage au Luxembourg: décortiquées ... expliquées … comparées … en 21 points (Travel insurance in Luxembourg : examined … explained … compared … in 21 points).


Publication by Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs and Chambre des salariés du Luxembourg, January 2016,

available in French and German.

Geldwäsche: Konkrete Risiken für den Immobiliensektor in Luxemburg (Money Laundering: Concrete risks for the Luxembourg real estate sector)

2015 Luxemburger Wort (Analyse und Meinung)

in German

14 March 2015

Debt Collection


Publication by European Law Firm, available in English

September 2013

Les droits du voyageur en Europe (version française) / Meine Rechte als Reisender in Europa (deutsche Version) (My rights while travelling in Europe)


Publication by Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs and Chambre des Salariés du Luxembourg, available in French and in German

January 2012

Purchasing Real Estate in Europe


Patrick Goergen & Philippe Lacourt (ed.), European Law Firm

December 2011

Planlovgivning om butikscentres placering og størrelse – en « restriktion ; der kraever dokumenteret proportionalitet efter EU-retten


Article together with Advokat Hans Sonderby Christensen and Professor dr. jur. Erik Werlauff, in EU-Ret & Menneskeret, Nr 3, June 2011, p. 153-160, in Danish

Damage Caused by GMOs under Luxembourg Law, in Bernard A. Koch (ed.): Damage caused by Genetically Modified Organisms, Comparative Survey of Redress Options for Harm to Persons, Property or the Environment

Tort and Insurance Law, vol. 27

Vienna/New York, De Gruyter

Consultation d'un médecin et hospitalisation à l'étranger - Que va rembourser la caisse de maladie et comment? (Seeing a doctor and being hospitalized  in another country -what costs and how shall be reimbursed by the Luxembourg health care system?)


Publication by Union Luxembourgeoise des Consommateurs and Chambre des Salariés du Luxembourg, available in French and in German

September 2010

Comparative Study on the Application of Directive 2004/38/EC of 29 April 2004 on the Right of Citizens of the Union and their Family Members to Move and Reside Freely within the Territory of the Member States


Contribution to the study for the European Parliament, Directorate general Internal Policies of the Union, as Luxembourg Expert, PE 410.650

March 2009

Economic Loss Caused by GMOs in Luxembourg, in Bernhard A. Koch (ed.): Economic Loss Caused by Genetically Modified Crops. Liability and Redress for the Adventitious Presence of GMOs in Non-GM Crops

2008 Tort and Insurance Law, vol. 24

Vienna/New York: Springer 2008, ISBN 978-3-211-77987-3 




bi-monthly contribution to Jyllands Posten, since 29 October 2007, in Danish

Liberté d’expression dans les medias – Le droit de la presse à la lumière de la loi du 8 juin 2004 (Freedom of expression in media – Luxembourg media law after the law dated 8 June 2004)

2004 ISBN 2-87963-499-7

with Laurent Mosar, 16x24 cm, 424 pages, in French

July 2004 

La jurisprudence de la Cour de justice des Communautés européennes en droit bancaire et financier (1993-2003) (The ECJ case-law in banking and financial law 1993-2003)

2004 Droit bancaire et financier au Luxembourg, Recueil de doctrine, ALJB

in French

April 2004

L’actualité du droit communautaire ayant un impact sur l’environnement legislatif et réglementaire de la place financière de Luxembourg (News on EU law with an impact on the legislative and regulatory environment of the Luxembourg financial sector),

2004 www.agefi.lu

monthly column in AGEFI Luxembourg, in French

January 2004 – December 2015

Cour de justice des Comunautés européennes - L'interdiction de la publicité du tabac (Court of Justice of the European Communities - The Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising)

2001 Luxemburger Wort

in French

4 January 2001

Die Erstattung von in einem anderen EU-Mitgliedstaat entstandenen Krankheitskosten (The reimbursement of medical expenses from another EU Member State)

2001 Echos de l'Europe, N° 4

in German

September 2001

Der Rechtsanwaltsberuf am Masstab der EU-Grundfreiheiten (The Lawyer and the EU Fundamental Rights)

2000 Luxemburger Wort

in German

9 November 2000

Les sanctions contre les Etats en cas de manquement au droit communautaire - A propos de l'arrêt de la Cour de Justice des Communautés européennes du 4 juillet 2000 (The sanctions in the case of infringement of Community Law by Member States - About the July 4, 2000, Decision of the European Court of Justice)

2000 Codex - Le mensuel juridique et politique du Luxembourg, N° 12

in French

15 September 2000

Är Rechter an Europa (Yours rights in Europe),

2000 www.wort.lu

weekly column in the Luxembourg daily newspaper "Luxemburger Wort", in German,  

September 2000 – June 2014

Luxembourg - Government and Legislative. Courts and Judgments. Legal Education

2000 JURIST - The Legal Education Network, WORLD LAW

Contribution as JURIST Luxembourg correspondant, in English

28 July 2000

L'Union européenne et le règlement des différends sous l'OMC (The European Union and the WTO Dispute Settlement System)

2000 Echos de l'Europe, N° 2 (May 2000) and N° 3 (June 2000)

in French

May 2000 - June 2000

L’interdiction de la publicité en faveur du tabac – Une directive communautaire à l’épreuve (The Prohibition of Tobacco Advertising - A Test for the EU Directive)

2000 Codex - Le mensuel juridique et politique du Luxembourg, N° 9

in French

15 May 2000

L'arrêt "Cartel du ciment" - Le respect des règles de concurrence dans le marché unique (The Cement Case - The Respect of Competition Rules in the Single Market)

2000 Codex - Le mensuel juridique et politique du Luxembourg, N° 8

in French

15 April 2000

Bref aperçu sur la responsabilité de l'Etat en cas de non-transposition de directives communautaires (Short View on the Member State Liability for the Non-Implementation of EU Directives)

2000 Codex - Le mensuel juridique et politique du Luxembourg, N° 6

in French

15 February 2000

L'article 230 alinéa 4 du traité CE : Le recours en annulation des particuliers contre un règlement et une directive communautaire (Article 230 par. 4 of the EC Treaty - The Action for Annulment by Privates against EU Regulations and Directives)

2000 Codex - Le mensuel juridique et politique du Luxembourg, N° 5

in French

15 January 2000